Waiting for Nigeria’s Madam President

Communications December 1, 2021 1

By Hamzat Lawal

We live in a world that is transforming, where norms are disrupted at the speed of light. However, a dimension of disruption that I still look forward to is the transfer of presidential power to the womenfolk.

For centuries now, we have lived with the paradox of ‘Man-Power’ on this planet. There have been successes recorded in leaps and bounds but we must admit that things have also fallen apart. More than 10 million people die of hunger every year; poverty, gender inequality and now the climate crises are some of the toughest issues we tackle daily in a world where we celebrate technology advancements. Men have been at the forefront of combating these global issues, with the support of women, of course. However, a disruption that must not be delayed any longer is one where a woman is given the opportunity to take the reins of highest power, especially in Africa where talks of a woman President are rare and deemed unacceptable.

Women may be seen as the softer gender but they are powerful beyond our imaginations. This is why I strongly believe that women must be given the opportunity to hold absolute leadership positions such as the Presidency. Now is the time to not only work for a change of narrative in women leadership, but to also embrace the change when it comes.

I must mention that the relevance and value of the Nigerian woman is not up for debate. The feminine gender has blazed the trail in every sector – in business, education innovation, civil society, the new “green industry” (renewable energy) and even the entertainment industry is abuzz with their prowess. However, one sector that continues to witness a dearth of women leadership is the political sector. Over the years, thousands of women have played pivotal roles in electing men into political offices, while voting in a handful of women. To put things in perspective, in the last Nigerian general elections, women accounted for over 40 million registered voters, making up about 47.14 percent of the total eligible voters, yet women were poorly represented in politics.

From my experience as a social accountability activist, I have not witnessed anything trickier than allowing a previously marginalized class into an enclosed political niche. My colleagues and I ran the #NotTooYoungToRun campaign and I came face to face with entrenched biases nurtured over the years, which have festered into a gangrene that now threatens national growth and development. The campaign, however, was successful.  In hindsight, I am convinced that we could break the glass ceiling by embracing the reality that both men and women can drive the call for a female president of Nigeria. Call it #NotTooFeminineToRun or #HelpWomenWin, the woman must stand up, organize and strategize, before she can buck the trend.

To be fair, women have often struggled for leadership roles in a male-dominated world. They have to deal with challenges that are beyond their control such as patriarchy and deeply-rooted traditions and social conditioning that insist women play second fiddle. While I call on women to arise, I acknowledge that men must also give unflinching support to women’s cause. There are so many examples of women leaders across the globe who have thrived and built their countries. Nigeria must not be left behind but must aboard this ship.

Hamzat Lawal pays a courtesy call to the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs in Nigeria.

Nigeria is a beacon of hope in Africa, yet 61 years after independence, we cannot boast of a woman occupying either the presidency or any other high political office. While the country is known to be a culturally diverse, modern and cosmopolitan African nation, we are still backward in terms of gender equity.

The last National Convention of the main opposition political party, the People’s Democracy Party (PDP), was an epic example. Of all the twenty-one National Working Committee seats in the PDP, only one was won by a woman–the Women Leader seat. This means that in practical terms, no seat was conceded to a woman as the women leader’s seat was typical.

It is time to vote women into elective offices where they can make real changes, including the office of the President of Nigeria. There are exemplary women in leadership who have blazed exceptional trails and are presidential materials in their own right. 

It was under Okonjo-Iweala’s tenure as two-time Finance Minister that Nigeria became the biggest economy in Africa. She is now at the helm of affairs at the World Trade Organization (WTO), elected at the right time to move forward an institution that was beset with huge challenges as the global community struggles to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Amina J. Mohammed, now the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, led the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) interventions in Nigeria, and also rallied stakeholders for building the post-2015 infrastructure for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mechanism.

The glass ceiling is not easy to crack, though. In the United States of America, Hillary Clinton nearly made history when she almost clinched the highest office in 2016. She was treading the path paved by female presidential aspirants before her such as Margaret Chase Smith, 1964; Shirley Chisholm, 1972; Patricia Schroeder, 1988; Elizabeth Dole, 2000; Carol Moseley Braun, 2004.

We must not lose sight of the goal and must find a way to liberate women for crucial seats in politics, including the presidency. However, the strategy can be like that of the #NotTooYoungToRun (the Age Reduction Act), which was actually a legislative reform aimed at amending the constitution to accommodate young people in elective offices. It was led by young people from different fields with different capacities, strengths and resources. They were resilient and would not be distracted. By the time the bills were presented in the Senate and at the House of Representatives, the movement had already engaged the legislators at the state levels. Young people drove this initiative because it was in their interest.

Now, for us to have a Madam President, women need to come together too. We can take lessons from America. EMILY’s List was founded in 1985 by Ellen Malcolm as a political action committee that aims to help elect Democratic female candidates in favor of abortion rights to office. The power of money in political campaigns is very important to electing women, so EMILY which is an acronym for Early Money Is Like Yeast because “it makes the dough rise” is a reference to the convention of political fundraising which theorizes that receiving many donations early in a race helps to attract subsequent donors. It now has over two million members.

In 1986, early financial support from EMILY’s List helped elect Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, the first female Democrat elected to the United States Senate in her own right (not appointed or filling a seat of a deceased husband). It endorsed 31 candidates in 2006, eight of whom were victorious. In the 2016 election cycle, it raised $60million, much of which was earmarked for Hillary Clinton, through its “Madam President campaign” initiative.

EMILY’s list chose to focus on raising money early for women in politics because women were not getting money from the Democratic party and that hindered them from winning political races despite that they were qualified.  The money raised prior to campaigns helped authenticate the movement and was crucial to attracting more funding from philanthropists and investors later on.

In Nigeria, the way Feminist Coalition 2020 raised and disbursed money during the #EndSARS protests showed that women over here could deploy the American strategy for female politicians in Nigeria.

We must applaud the ElectHer movement, a progressive women’s political advancement organization in Nigeria. In March 2021, ElectHer launched its Agenda35 campaign unveiling its $10 million campaign fund with $2 million secured to support 35 women to run for offices in 2023. While this is commendable effort and a great start, we must not rest at this junction.

Infact, to record greater success, aspiring women leaders in Nigeria must priorities data gathering. People need to know how Nigerian’s vote, and who they want to vote. It is time to change the narrative. Women must resist being relegated to the back and must take the higher political success through strategies that are sustainable. They must resist being used as political tools by their male counterparts. They need to see through the charade and reject empty promises and paltry gifts of male political machinery and support their fellow womenfolk in order to achieve gender balance and equity in the society. Men need to support the cause of women. In less than two years from now, President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration will end. The question is, would women be among the gladiators fighting to save our democracy?

Hamzat Lawal is a #HeForShe advocate, and activist that leads grassroots campaigns across Africa. He is the Founder of Connected Development [CODE] and Follow The Money.

FTM’s Investigative Journalist Wins Award for Exposing the rot in Osun Primary Healthcare Centres

Communications December 1, 2021 1

One of our FollowTheMoney investigative journalists, Emmanuel Ujiadughele, was awarded the Best Reporter by the Nigerian Union of Journalists in Osun State, for uncovering the rot in the State’s Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) after Follow The Money investigated the condition of Nigerian PHCs to combat the #COVID19 virus and Government’s level of responsiveness to healthcare services during the pandemic.

In Osun State, the Follow The Money team observed that six primary healthcare centres were in terrible conditions, revealing that 2 of the 6 Primary Health Centres could not access electricity. Medical practitioners were subjected to the use of candles and torches to provide illumination. Surprisingly, these two primary healthcares were revitalized by the Osun State Government through the Save One million Lives Project funded by the World Health Organisation.

Primary Health Centres are supposed to provide basic quality healthcare service to average citizens. In Nigeria, many are in deplorable states and often unable to provide basic medical care to community members. Poor facilities, inadequate staffing and outdated drugs have led to careless and needless loss of lives. Highly suspicious patients have had to travel long distances to the city for proper medical attention.

Concerned by the condition of the PHCs, Follow The Money and BudgIT set out to track the state of Primary Health Centres in fifteen states – Cross River, Yobe, Bauchi, Gombe, Taraba, Abia, Anambra, Imo, Ebonyi, Benue, Kogi, Nasarawa, Plateau, Kebbi and Osun.

FTM investigative journalist, Emmanuel Ujiadughele, sighted the document containing the anomalies of the tracked PHCs and immediately showed interest in investigating the state of these healthcare facilities. Emmanuel visited the centres as an undercover journalist and witnessed how these healthcare centres, even though revitalized, delivered babies using torch torches and candles because they could not access electricity. Health workers in many PHCs either depend on rainwater because there is no power to pump water from the borehole or search for water in the wells in the community. 

Emmanuel Ujiadughele – a reporter of Rave 91.7FM in Osun published an exclusive report on the rising menace. The state government initially denied the possibility of the injustices detailed in the report, however, glaring evidence on the deplorable state of Atiba and Okinni Primary Health Centres, staff shortage and how the health centres were cut off the national grid, circulated the news. Following this exposure, brand new power generators were supplied to the Atiba and Okinni Primary Health Centres, a few weeks later. 

On the occasion of the 2021 Osun Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Week, Emmanuel Ujiadughele received the award of the Best Reporter as a result of his special report on the state of the Primary Health Centres in Osun State.

The award winning journalist thanked the Connected Development (CODE) and Urban Alert for their relentless efforts to bring change to our society. “I look forward to more collaborations that will put pressure on the government and its agencies to fulfill their promises”, Emmanuel said.

Memoir: Adieu, my friend, Alfred

Communications November 22, 2021 30

By Anne Nwakalor

“Hi Annie, how are you?” These are the words that I got used to hearing for almost 2 years and to think that I will never hear these words again makes me feel sick to my core. Alfredo, my right hand man, I could always count on him whenever I needed help or clarification on something. “Well done Annie” he would tell me reassuringly even when I know that I did a terrible job, he was always encouraging me, even when he would correct my work, he would say, ‘but well done Annie” as a closing sentence.

Alfred was an amazing human being, a great colleague, a great friend and a great guy. I rated him the most fashionable guy in CODE! He used to wear this super funky red bowler hat and had this one grey Kaftan with silver buttons and a silver chain, it looked super cool! I would always complement his fashion sense and his cool trainers. Alfred, we could always count on him to get things done! He did not work at CODE for the money, he worked at CODE because he sincerely believed in good governance and wanted to fight to see Nigeria change. Sometimes I would mock his belief in the system, but he stood firm in his conviction and desire for a transparent and accountable government.

“Alfred, do you always have to tell people to ‘come and join you’ when you are eating”, “Annie, if I dont invite people to take some of my food, I won’t enjoy it”. Alfred would always share his food with people, sometimes I would insist that he should eat by himself but he would refuse. He loved sharing and he loved taking other people’s food. Alfred, funny guy, great guy.

“Guys, where is Alfred?” This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions that I would ask my colleagues. Alfred would come late to teams meeting, he would come late to gatherings, he would come late to parties, my goodness, and when he would try to come early to something he would end up forgetting an important item, like his suitcase to travel or his laptop to do his works *puts palm on face*. But one thing is for sure, when Alfred was around, you knew it, he was the life of the party, the workplace, the gathering, the everything. Alfredo, the first person I went on radio with, I still remember, I was so nervous but Alfred kept on reassuring me that there was nothing to be nervous about. Alfred, the first person that I celebrated with when I made a communications plan that I was proud of, “Wow Annie, nice well done”. 

Alfred, I personally will miss you. I don’t think you knew how much you were loved, I don’t think you knew how much people cared about you, how much I cared about you. I did not lose a colleague, I’ve lost a friend, a great guy. Honestly Alfred, I don’t understand, I will never understand, Alfred, you had dreams, you had aspirations, you had plans, this was not the plan Alfred, this was not the plan! You have people who love and care about you, why did you have to go like this? I will never understand, but one thing I know for sure is that you lived a great life, you enjoyed life to the fullest, and you’ve left a legacy and a trail of people who love you and who always will. 

Adieu my colleague, Adieu my friend, Adieu dear Alfred. 

CODE, OXFAM React to Lekki Massacre Report

Communications November 22, 2021 0

Following the revelation that the Nigerian Army shot and killed 11 unarmed, peaceful protesters and wounded many others during the #EndSARS demonstration on the 20th of October, 2020, leading Civil Society Organisations promoting democracy, human rights and accountable governance, are calling on Lagos State Government and the Federal Government to publicly apologize to Nigerians for the government’s blatant attempt to cover up the massacre.

Protesting Police Brutality

CODE and OXFAM urge the government to acknowledge the findings produced by the Justice Doris Okuwobi-led Judicial Panel and immediately act on its recommendations. The report not only revealed gross injustices committed by the Nigerian Army and police against peaceful protesters but also efforts to conceal the truth from the general public. 

“It is terribly sad and disappointing that the government tried valiantly to cover up the injustice that happened at Lekki Toll Gate that night. The army killed peaceful, unarmed and helpless civilians and the government tried to sweep it under the carpet—the very lives they swore to protect. An accountable government would apologise to its citizens and adopt the recommendations of the panel,” Hamzat Lawal, Chief Executive of Connected Development (CODE) said. 

The Country Director Oxfam International in Nigeria has also described the report as laudable calling on relevant agencies of government to expedite action in bringing to justice all those whose action or inaction led to the death of these innocent young Nigerians. “We must rise as a nation against injustice, our country has witnessed a fair share of inequality when it comes to serving justice, this report provides the current regime an opportunity to rewrite the wrong for the sake of posterity, equity and justice’’ Dr Vincent Ahonsi, Country Director Oxfam International in Nigeria.

Now that the Lagos State Government has insisted on releasing a white paper, CODE demands that it must be objective, unbiased and free of any influence by state interests.

The #EndSARS protests, which gripped the country at the time, focused on the legitimate demands of the Nigerian youth for an end to police brutality and other forms of human rights abuses. The CSOs believe that, if the recommendations of the report are duly implemented, it would enhance healing and trust in the system. It would also improve transitional justice in Nigeria.

Kenya, Cameroon and Malawi COVID Funds Report

Communications November 17, 2021 0

We have now published the status of COVID Fund tracking in Malawi, Kenya and Cameroon

The COVID19 pandemic was expected to have a devastating effect on Africa’s weak health infrastructure, but it rather left a more devastating trail economically – spiking the already high unemployment rate and plunging the country into another recession.

With high influx of donations by international agencies, individuals and private organisations to combat the deadly virus, the challenge with most African countries is the lack of transparent and accountable systems that can respond to emergency situations.

Our experience has shown rounds of crisis profiteering, creating quick rich schemes for “tenderpreneurs” in a restrictive environment that lacks accountability and civic engagement. We have also seen restriction of civic spaces under the guise of lockdowns as well as brutality by state officials, this was why the COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability Project (CTAP) was launched to promote accountability and transparency through the tracking of COVID-19 intervention funds across 7 African countries. 

The project is implemented by CODE’s Follow The Money and BudgIT. Both organizations have been leveraging their Tracka and Follow The Money platforms, as well as international chapters in other six focus African countries to activate a Pan-African tracking system for all COVID-19 funds received and donated to these countries.

CTAP’s shared long term vision is that every community in the continent has skilled, sensitised and largely self-organising citizens engaged in budget-tracking while presenting feedback and results to the government and development partners in a constructive manner. All efforts are aimed towards building that informed and engaged citizenry – a movement of factivists –  in the medium to long term period. 

In the past year since the project was launched, Follow The Money has tracked COVID funds in Kenya, Cameroon and Malawi. Click to read the full reports from these countries.

Grant Money Is Not Free Money

Communications November 17, 2021 0

By Lucy James Abagi

With the trend of diverse social issues plaguing the world, the development sector has witnessed  a steady rise of innovations including research and program designs. Existing organisations are looking for global solutions that are fundable and scalable for a diverse stream of donors whilst start-ups are struggling to match their innovations and ideas to a result-oriented framework which would attract big donors to support their grassroot efforts. International organisations and the donor community are seeking solutions that are people driven notwithstanding the area of available funding as sustainability is at the root of every funding ecosystem. 

After years of studying the donor ecosystem, framework, interest and program design, I thought to share some few guidelines that will support start-up organisations in accessing funding for their innovation and keeping investors satisfied.

Are you salivating yet? Let’s start with this key point – ‘Grant money is not free money!’

CODE’s Senior Programmes Manager, Lucy James Abagi at work on her computer

There are incredibly huge responsibilities that come with donor funds, and the need to sustain the relationships. As a startup, you must be deliberate and intentional in your approach, just as you must equally keep a business mindset. Of course, all donors are business investors with stern requirements to ensure every penny translates to sustainable, tangible impacts.

Now, let’s break down the process.

Conceptualization Level

The magic of resource mobilization rests solely on the power of ideation. The bulk of the work starts in reframing our thought process and thinking through different strategies that lead to a successful proposal. The thinking process, although very demanding, provides the pathway to synchronise an idea in line with the donor’s interest, mission, vision and resources. Personally, it takes me two – three weeks to conceptualize an idea. A lot of time needs to be invested into research, analysis and information gathering, as this helps answer the following questions about the problem you seek a solution for: “Is it a Novel, doable and affordable idea?” To answer this question, indepth research in line with your area of interest will further uncover diverse interventions carried out in your field and this will help mainstream your idea, identify gaps and provide a basement for your ideas to be adopted as an innovation amongst other existing platforms. 

The Big Question- Who can fund my idea?

This takes you into another aspect of research where you would need to answer some more questions around the available donors and fundings that tie to your ideas and scope. At this stage you also need to be sure that your idea can actually be funded by a specifically identified donor. Remember that, at the  conceptualization level, you should have been able to answer these questions: how much do I need for my idea? How much will my idea cost or what are the cost implications of my idea?  

When you answer these questions at the conceptualization level, you will  be able to identify funding ecosystems and donors that have the available resources that you need for your idea.  It is important to note that you may not get the total amount of money that you need for the execution of your ideas so you may need to break down your ideas into stages or phases based on available funding.   

Moreover, from my experience, most donors, especially if they have not worked with you before, would want to ensure that their risk analysis is within a controllable level. Hence, they may not fund a new or start-up organisation above $50,000-$100,000.  Every donor would want to be sure that they are putting their money in the right place with systems and strategies that can manage their resources to achieve expected outcomes or results.  Fundings received from any donor must be accounted for, as you are expected to show some level of transparency and accountability  in the utilisation of every penny received and spent. 

The Pencil Stage

Nothing is as frustrating as having a great idea but being deadpan when it comes to articulating it on paper – to attract funding. The act of writing a winning proposal comes with a clearly set up design that will stimulate the reader to fully assimilate and capture the idea of the writer and vividly understand laid out steps in achieving the result. 

I have witnessed good thinkers and speakers who can barely interpret their thoughts into a readable and clear format. Here is a quick look at the composition of my proposal team at Connected Development. Busayo Morakinyo (BOM), is my thinking partner, great thinker and public speaker who possesses good ideation and presentation skills. BOM helps to frame our thought process and present a short pitch of this idea to prospective donors. 

Kingsley Agu, comes with clear project implementation skills, he supervises the first draft of every proposal, giving a clear direction on the required steps to achieving the project goals. Other team members would always contribute in co-drafting, brainstorming, reviewing and setting the proposal in motion. 

Hamzat Lawal- Hamzy- is our partnership and network guru. Hamzy’s role demands using his network to ensure these ideas are presented and submitted to identified donors.  I am citing this here to paint the picture that a winning proposal demands teamwork. You need to build a composition of team members with multiple skills that will aid the smooth delivery of the proposal. Always keep in mind that a successful grant proposal is one that is carefully prepared, planned, and packaged. 

In my next series, I will go deeper into the act of proposal writing. I encourage  you to sign up for my class on Grant and Proposal Writing, as I will share more tips on writing a winning proposal.

Canada, CODE Renew Partnership to Galvanize Mass Action Against Gender-Based Violence

Communications November 11, 2021 3

With its unique approach of training and empowering gender advocates, Nigeria’s leading civil society organization, Connected Development (CODE) is taking peculiar steps towards eradicating gender-based violence in northern Nigeria, focusing on Kano State. 

On November 9, the organization announced the launch of the second phase of its Galvanizing Mass Action Against Gender-Based Violence in Kano (GMAA-K) campaign, highlighting its target to develop a multi-year Kano State Action Plan to end all forms of gender-based violence as well as drive the adoption and integration of the Violence against person prohibition (VAPP) Act and the Child’s Right Act.

The GMAA-K campaign which is supported by the Canadian High Commission is a direct response to the menace of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) that is common practice in many states across Nigeria. Currently, Nigeria has the third highest rates of SGBV in the world, with data showing that at least 30 percent of women and girls aged between 15 and 49 have experienced one or multiple forms of sexual abuse. 

These numbers are a representation of deep-rooted gender discrimination and a notorious culture of impunity – where access to justice and support remains a challenge for victims and perpetrators often walk free. The challenge is further heightened by a lack of laws and policies to protect the most vulnerable and punish convicted offenders. 

While speaking on the organization’s approach of extirpating SGBV, Hamzat Lawal, Chief Executive of CODE revealed that during the course of the first phase of the project, the Kano State government opted to harmonize the VAPP Act provisions into the Penal Code Law.

“For the first quarter of this year, we worked towards the adoption of the Violence against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act in Kano and recorded success as the government opted to harmonize/incorporate the VAPP Act provisions into the Penal Code Law, in order to reconcile provisions and have a single comprehensive law that addresses SGBV; the legal document is pending validation and enactment by the Kano state House of Assembly.”

He further stated that the new phase of the project will propel the validation exercise of the VAPP and Penal Code Law and equally work towards enhancing women’s rights. 

Acting Canadian High Commissioner, Kevin Tokaron and CODE’s Chief Executive, Hamzat Lawal, signing the partnership contract

On his part, the Acting Canadian High Commissioner, Kevin Tokaron, submitted that SGBV is a crisis in Nigeria that must be condemned, stating that this campaign is both timely and necessary. 

“It’s a crisis in Nigeria that we must condemn and work together to eliminate. For the past few years, we’ve seen a number of states in Nigeria pass and start to implement the VAPP Act which has given us hope but not all states have achieved this important milestone and much more work is needed, which is where our partnership with CODE comes into play. With Canada’s support, CODE will continue to galvanize mass action against SGBV in Kano State by ensuring the passage of the VAPP and Child’s Rights Act.”

Speaking on the health implication of SGBV and emphasizing the need for education, Dr Halimah Nuhu Sanda, who was also present at the press conference held at Bassan Plaza, Central Area, said that SGBV must also be viewed as a public health issue because many victims are left traumatized after being abused and not enough support is provided for them. 

“SGBV is often regarded as a human rights violation which is correct but it should also be viewed as a mental health issue because victims are often left traumatized after sexual violence and it affects their mental state. When no mental health support is provided to victims, we harbour a mentally oppressed society, she concluded.”

CODE Mourns the Passing of its Dearest Colleague

Communications November 2, 2021 2

It is with immeasurable grief that we share the news of the demise of our dearest colleague and exceptional Digital Media Officer, Alfred Anicho Oji.

“If you have followed our social media posts and monthly newsletters, you can tell Alfred was dedicated and committed to the work of advocating for improved public services in Nigeria, Africa and beyond. He was someone who, in every way possible, embodied CODE’s values and principles of justice, social accountability and empowering marginalised grassroots people”.

Alfred was good-humoured, friendly and simply a warm person to be around. His death is a shock to us all and we will miss him sorely.

“Alfred was a committed development worker who held together our social media assets and consistently grew CODE and FTM’s online community simultaneously – showcasing our work and impact to local and international audiences”. 

In remembrance of him, we will coordinate a physical and virtual gathering to share memories and stories of Alfred, but more importantly, to collectively grieve the loss of a fellow comrade in the fight for human rights and a fair world.

We ask that you please remember his family and loved ones in your prayers in this difficult time.

Hamzat B. Lawal 

Founder, CODE & Follow The Money

Adamawa State Lawmaker Becomes CODE’s Education Ambassador

Communications September 1, 2021 7

Kate Mamuno, Honourable member of the Adamawa State House of Assembly representing Demsa constituency, has been decorated as Connected Development (CODE)’s education ambassador following her expressed commitment to promoting gender equality and girl-child education in the State. 

The honourable member who is also the Chairman House Committee on Women Affairs and Social Development/ Finance, Appropriation and Budget, vowed to the cause during an official meeting with delegates from CODE, led by the Chief Executive and Malala Fund Education Champion, Hamzat Lawal, on August 24, at the Adamawa State House of Assembly. 

Commending her dedication to social development, Lawal in an introductory statement, acknowledged Mamuno for being a role model and a team player in advancing the rights of women and girls to education and a better life. 

In crowning her efforts and rewarding her reiterated commitment, Lawal, assisted by the project lead, Zaliha Lawal, honoured Mamuno with a sash indicating the dawn of her ambassadorship and a newly forged path towards improving the state of education in the North-East, focusing on Adamawa State.

During the peak of COVID-19, CODE conducted a study on the impact of the pandemic on Girl-child Education in the North-East and found a high prevalence of early girl-child marriage and out-of-school children in Adamawa state. This propelled the organization’s strategy and intervention towards developing the state of education as well as initiating policy to increase school re-enrollment, especially for the girl-child in the State. 

Plugging into the grind, Honourable Mamuno voiced her eagerness to serve and beckoned on the organization to not relent in ensuring every child is educated, adding that she would need all the help she can to develop an adoptable Child Rights Bill that guarantees the safety of the girl-child.

Notably, Mamuno, was instrumental to the domestication of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act in Adamawa, imprinting her commitment towards working to eradicate violence against women and children. In her new role as CODE’s ambassador, she looks to not only stop violence against women and girls but also ensure they are well-educated and are empowered to thrive in the society. 

CODE is a Non-Governmental Organization, on a mission to improve citizen’s access to credible information and empower local communities in Africa. It achieves this by amplifying their voices and building their capacity to hold their government accountable.

Its Follow The Money initiative advocates and tracks government/international aid spending in health, WASH, and education across grassroots rural communities to ensure and promote open government and service delivery. Since 2012, CODE has tracked an estimate of USD 307.6 million (in budgeted sums for projects) across 257 communities in Nigeria, improving over 4.8 million rural lives.

Advocating Effective Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Services in Niger, Delta and Taraba

Communications August 9, 2021 5

Focusing on the E-WASH program broader objectives of “strengthening policy, institutional, and regulatory frameworks for improved WASH services; and building a national and state WASH advocacy, coordination, and communications for reform,” The Effective Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services (E-WASH ) program is a one year (1) program funded by the United States Agency for International Development with the goal of Improving Nigeria-Urban WASH Service Delivery.

The USAID E-WASH program sought to “support civic advocacy and WASH stakeholder engagement, coordinate with government and other WASH service providers (including private sector) to improve urban WASH service delivery.” Similarly, the project mobilised all relevant stakeholders at the state level on E-WASH service delivery and created platforms for engagement between the government and civil society. As such, focusing on Niger, Delta, and Taraba States, CODE leveraged on its citizen mobilization and multidimensional engagement expertise, resources, and strategies; presence and network in the aforementioned states. It also leveraged WASH accountability capacity; as well as its social accountability innovation, Follow The Money, to broaden collaborations between relevant government agencies, State Water Boards (SWB), lawmakers, community-based associations/organizations (CBA/O), Water Consumer Associations, Media and the general public to expand and improve urban water service delivery.

This report provides key activities undertaken as well as the outputs and foreseeable outcomes from them. In the months, CODE visited three (3) states- Niger, Taraba, and Delta States.

Download the Close Out Report and view successes recorded during the project implementation phase.