Director of Programs

Lucy James Abagi is the Director of Programmes at Connected Development in Abuja, Nigeria. She is responsible for the overall development and management of all Follow The Money Campaigns Across the 36 States in Nigeria and in all International Chapters. 

Lucy James Abagi-(Lulu-Global) is a visionary Innovator, social activist, Development Program Professional, an experienced fundraiser and co-founder of diverse fast growing initiatives in Nigeria. 

Lu-Lu Global’s Business, Innovative and entrepreneurial mindset is rooted in her ability to unravel and identify fundable ideas leading to an un-ending invitation to support Start Up Organizations globally as Board Advisor.  

Lu-Lu Global believes in team work and alongside her team successfully mobilized $5million for over 30 social impact programs reaching approximately 4,000,000 rural  lives, across 9 African Countries (Liberia, Kenya, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Malawi, The Gambia, Uganda, Cape Verde and Nigeria)  funded by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Skoll Foundation, OXFAM (VOICE) Nigeria, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation , OXFAM NOVIB, ActionAid Nigeria, Heinrich Böll Foundation, UN Women, National Endowment for Democracy, Center for International Private Enterprise, USAID- Creative Associate International Inc.,  and the UN spotlight Initiative.