Programs Manager

Kingsley is an expert in programme management and development of TOR, M&E plans and Framework; development of National Action Plan on combating Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and development of government Policy on Inclusive Education in Kaduna state (2019-2029); expert in the development of Tracking, Monitoring and Evaluation of government projects in developing countries like Nigeria; experience in Investigating Disinformation & Foreign Influence Operations; as well as a research expert using Kobotool box, Askia face, Key Informant Investigations (KII), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Direct Observational Monitoring in target locations.

He currently serves as Programs Manager for Connected Development (CODE) where he manages the programmatic implementation of Projects and programs around Transparency and Accountability such as the programmatic implementation of Projects and programs that is tracking 6.4 Billion Naira (19 Million USD) for 2020/2021 Constituency Projects in Kaduna state. His role includes but is not limited to the  development of TORs, review of M&E plans and frameworks as well as monitoring the implementation of work plans and Action plans of projects. This has seen him successfully manage the implementation of various grant activities from donors like the UN Spotlight, UN Women,  the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, FORD Foundation, OXFAM, Action Aid, Canadian High Commission,  etc.  

Kingsley has served as a field supervisor for the Nigerian Northern regions for National Social Safety Net Programme (NASSP): Gender Analysis Research in the 6 geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The NASSP is to accelerate growth and development through addressing unemployment and improving the living conditions of vulnerable and extremely poor Nigerians especially the youths. This research was conducted using Key Informant Investigations (KII), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Direct Observational Monitoring in target locations. 

Kingsley has served as Project Officer with FollowTheMoney where we promote transparency and public accountability through tracking of funds earmarked for basic education projects through the Universal Basic Education (UBEC)/ Kaduna State Universal Basic Education Board (KADSUBEB) intervention in Kaduna state, Nigeria; empower marginalized communities with empirical information concerning governance and development in their locality which has increased citizen’s participation in governance, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance through iFollowTheMoney.org online platform that gives real time updates on monies earmarked by government for various projects in Nigeria and across Africa. He led the tracking of over 500 Million Naira (1.5 Million USD) earmarked for Basic Education in Kaduna state; conducted a need assessment across 609 schools in Kaduna state, led the development of a policy on community participation in the procurement process on Basic education expenditure to curb corruption in Kaduna states and ultimately led to rebuilding the trust in governance in Kaduna state as regards the fight against corruption and the judicious use of state resources. He has built a rich network and relationships with development partners, civil society organizations and government agencies across developing countries and the globe.